The concept of development and improvement of the territory of the central part of the city of Dedovsk in the area of Gagarin Street.

The winning project in the All-Russian competition of the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements in 2022 Section: "Small towns: 20,000 - 50,000 people."
Dedovsk is a special city. It is not about external effects and superficial, but about what is truly important and, therefore, hidden inside. In the center of Dedovsk, one can feel its way of life, connection with previous generations, respect for the past and measured pace of life. Local residents are the real legacy of Dedovsk. This is a special type of people who have kept the old "factory" way of life in their souls.

The area of the improvement is located in the heart of Dedovsk and is significant for its inhabitants. It is his “visiting card”, the focus of the historical, cultural, and universal values of Dedovsk residents. The concept of improvement is aimed at caring for people and their needs. The project proposes the "domestication" of the city center by rethinking the area of improvement, creating a system of multi-scale functional spaces on it, integrated into the "urban fabric" of Dedovsk and united into a single structure.
Recreational area by the pond
Pavilion in winter
Square in front of the House of Culture in winter
Scheme of architectural and planning solutions
City Park. Teen recreation area and playground
The authors of the architectural concept:
Architectural company LLC "A. Klepanov. A-C-D"
together with "Smart City Project" and “Oblik gorodov”
Location: Dedovsk, Moscow region
Status: in progress
Project development year: 2022
Architectural solutions for the main and view zones
© LLC "A.Klepanov.A-C-D". All rights reserved.
Tula, Prospekt Lenina 57, 300001, office 210, office 208
Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt 13, 125040, building 1 A, office 58