Architectural and planning concept for the improvement of a public area at the address: Moscow region, Kashira city district, Kashira city

Winner of the All-Russian competition for the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment in small towns and historical settlements in 2023 Section: "Historical settlements"
Everyone who comes to Kashira today definitely buys Kashira bread. The latter, along with local buns, gingerbread, cakes and crackers, is known far beyond the city limits. Bread baked according to Russian traditional technology is popular in the cities of the Moscow region, Tula and Ryazan regions.

The taste and quality of Kashira products have been valued historically. In the 16th century, Kashira fish was supplied to the royal table, and the fruits from the vast apple and cherry orchards were taken to Moscow and Tula. Most of the gardens froze over in the cold winters of the 20th century, but the people of Kashira remember what their land was famous for before. So, on the eve of the Apple Feast Day, the Kashira Museum annually holds a theatrical festival "Kashira - apple paradise!". You will not find the old Russian variety of apples “Skrigapel” either on the shelves of supermarkets or on the shelves of fashionable markets in the capital, and in Kashira it grows literally in every garden and is really loved by the locals.
Local residents continue the tradition of planting fruit trees in the city. Seedlings are planted by families in courtyards, near temples.

Taking into account the historical features of Kashira, traditions and way of life, the project proposes to implement the concept of an “edible city” on the improvement site. Public fruit trees and shrubs integrated into the urban fabric will increase the value of local consumption, enrich the local fauna (insects and birds can find a home and food among the plants) and,
most importantly, strengthen the connection of residents with their roots. Apple trees will grow along the streets, in the Pushkin, Square plums, currants, gooseberries, honeysuckle, barberries will appear on the space near the local history museum, in the Summer Garden. Everyone who comes to Kashira will be able to pluck the fruits of the local land and enjoy
how tasty the city welcomes him/her!

The edible landscape will be supported by thematic small architectural forms, the image of the playground. The implementation of the project will significantly increase the tourist attractiveness of Kashira: many will want to taste the city.
Museum Quarter
View of the Nikitsky Monastery
View of the Assumption Cathedral on the Sovietskaya street
View of the Church of the Ascension
Summer garden
Lighting on the Sovietskaya street at night
The authors of the architectural concept:
Architectural company LLC "A.Klepanov.A-C-D"
together with "Smart City Project" and “Oblik gorodov”
Location: Kashira, Moscow region
Status: concept
Project development year: 2023
Pushkin Square in winter
Photo zone "Apple snail"
Architectural proposals for the main view areas
© LLC "A.Klepanov.A-C-D". All rights reserved.
Tula, Prospekt Lenina 57, 300001, office 210, office 208
Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt 13, 125040, building 1 A, office 58