Square improvement project, 2021
Tula Defense Square is dedicated to the heroic defense of the city.

In the elements of its paving, figurative arrows show the main direction of movement of the defense line. The small architectural forms of the square - benches, in its context, become abstract defensive lines. Lanterns, stylistically made in the form of torches, symbolize victory. As an option for landscape design of the square, it is proposed to plant new perennials in it. Such a decision will make it possible to convey the atmosphere of the victory field in the city square.

Modern realities dictate new ways of presenting information and interacting with people. The center of the composition of the square will be an interactive stele with a map of the city, on which it will be possible to study the course of the Tula defensive operation in an interactive,
playful way.

The strategic location of the square in the city, near one of the buildings of the Tula State University, will allow the younger generation of citizens to visually get acquainted with one of the most important pages in the history of Tula and Russia.
Visualization of the Tula Defense Square
The author of the architectural concept:
Architectural company LLC "A.Klepanov.A-C-D"
Location: Tula
Status: concept
Project development year: 2021
© LLC "A.Klepanov.A-C-D". All rights reserved.
Tula, Prospekt Lenina 57, 300001, office 210, office 208
Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt 13, 125040, building 1 A, office 58