The project for the improvement of the territory along the Pekhorka River, located at the address: Moscow Region, Balashikha, Rechnaya street near houses № 3, 9, 15, 12, 6
Within the boundaries of the area of the improvement, the Pekhorka River has a narrow winding channel. The design site is characterized by a complex relief: the slopes along the river have active elevation changes. In its southern part, in close proximity to multi-storey residential buildings, a partially landscaped area with a calm relief has been formed. The main connection between the left and right banks is a pedestrian bridge that needs major repairs. Across the river, siphon crossings of engineering networks and communications are organized. In the northern part of the landscaped area, the brick supports of the railway bridge built by the merchant D.I. Milovanov are conserved.

The area of the improvement is not suitable for children's recreation: there is not a single playground on it. At the same time, it is surrounded by high-rise residential buildings, among whose playgrounds would be popular. A survey of the improvement site showed that the coast of the Pekhorka River is popular among owners of dogs for walking pets, but there is not yet an equipped area for this purpose throughout the designed area.

The project proposes to revive the existing coastal landscape and transform it into a comfortable and safe eco-space. The concept of the project implies step-by-step restoration, cleansing, careful addition to the landscaped area, integration of small architectural forms into its environment, creation of an informative year-round eco-route on it.

The project proposes the creation of functional zoning on the area of the improvement, aimed at sustainable development of the space of the future eco-park. It is provided by the allocation of areas with different intensity of recreation, the formation of a barrier-free, convenient for all categories of residents walking and pedestrian network, which reduces
the load on the ecosystem.
Visualization of the observation deck
Visualization of the recreational area
Visualization of a quiet rest area
Visualization of the observation deck
Visualization of an existing bridge
Visualization of a universal sports ground
Visualization of the exposition zone "Ducks"
Visualization of the walking area
The authors of the architectural concept:
Architectural company LLC "A.Klepanov.A-C-D"
together with LLC “Mirror Group”
Location: Balashikha, Moscow region
Status: concept
Project development year: 2021
© LLC "A.Klepanov.A-C-D". All rights reserved.
Tula, Prospekt Lenina 57, 300001, office 210, office 208
Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt 13, 125040, building 1 A, office 58